Join Wellness Warriors of African Descent!

Collaborate, Heal, Thrive: Cultivating a Positive Wellness Impact in the African Diaspora Community

Wellness Warriors of African Descent gather a vibrant community dealing with Long Covid and mRNA vaccines after-effects and other lingering health challenges. Our mission is to connect and achieve complete holistic recovery, moving away from temporary solutions that are just that temporary and embracing natural-friendly approaches. We curate wellness systems, honor the well-being of the African Diaspora, and share resources. Through empowering connections and discussions, we conquer challenges and attain well-being. This transformative journey embraces holistic strategies and celebrates collective triumphs.

Who Is This For?...the Warriors  

  • The Warriors who are determined to defeat the after-affects of all variants of COVID-19 by holistic methods.
  • The Warriors who are determined to overcome the negative effects of the mRNA jabs by holistic methods.
  • The Warriors who are determined to Reverse lingering Dis-eases by holistic methods.
  • The Warriors who are determined to fight for the health and well-being of their family members who are continually contracting COVID-19 (whether jabbed or not) by holistic methods.
  • The Warriors who have connected the dots of sudden dis-ease with the mRNA injections and are determined to overcome challenges by holistic methods.
  • The Warriors who are determined to reverse dis-ease caused by years of consuming toxic foods and toxic environments.
  • The Warriors who are determined to wean themselves off of pharmaceuticals by holistic protocols.
  • The Warriors who recognize their innate ability to understand the body systems and desire to use their special gifts and skills for the health and wellness edification of the African Diaspora Community.

Back when Black families were like a squad, coming together to raise their kids and whipping up meals for the neighbors when momma wasn't feeling too hot, they even went door-to-door with medicine remedies. The tribe had each other's back. 

Fast forward to today, we're out here on our own, trying to find answers, feeling confused by Western medicine, bombarded with 50,000 suggestions from Google, YouTube, FaceBook, TikTok, and Instagram, fighting health problems, and too stubborn to seek help or too tired to try. We suffer in silence, grappling with the aftermath of the pandemic, questioning why it even happened and why there's no fix, why we can't feel like our former selves again. The inspiration to maintain a healthy routine? Nowhere to be found. Ring a bell?


If it does, this community's got your back. There's power in making connections, collaborating, and exchanging recovery strategies within a community. So, come on over and join our tribe, the Wellness Goshen. Together, we'll achieve the unthinkable!

What's Inside The Neighborhood? Discover the treasure trove of Resources that combat Diverse Dis-harmony in the body. 

  • -Unleash your inner alchemist with Online Courses that empower you to create your own Apothecary.
  • - Join Live Monthly Webinars on cutting-edge Holistic Health Protocols and strategies.
  • - Engage with our vibrant Community Space(s) for seamless communication. 
  • - Explore Sub-Groups of like-minded health enthusiasts collaborating passionately. 
  • - Connect with an array of Natural Healing practitioners. 
  • - Embrace the endless opportunities for growth as our Community expands and more!

I've endured days, weeks, months, and years on my wellness journey, hardly interacting with humans. Flitting from one virtual gathering to another, seeking enlightenment, determined to heal myself. It's been an incredible adventure! Overcoming obstacles and embracing challenges takes immense courage, especially on the wellness path, no matter the origin of the health challenge. But within a community, it becomes so much easier. We support one another, face awkwardness together, and seamlessly integrate it into our daily lives. That's where the magic happens. I've witnessed it all.

But the journey doesn't end there. As I continue along this path, I've come to understand that the power of community extends far beyond providing support. It magnifies our achievements and fosters a sense of belonging. Being part of an African Diaspora Community allows us to celebrate our triumphs together, whether it's reaching a goal, overcoming adversity in our wellness objectives, or conquering personal challenges. It reminds us that we're not alone in our struggles and that others empathize because they can relate and cheer us on. We are interconnected; when one of us hurts, we all hurt, and when one rejoices, we all rejoice.

Furthermore, a wellness Goshen community opens doors to new opportunities and experiences. It exposes us to diverse perspectives, ideas, and approaches to health and well-being. It sparks conversations and motivates us to keep learning and growing. In this vibrant environment, we uncover hidden talents, draw inspiration from others' stories, and unlock our untapped potential. It's a constant source of motivation and inspiration that propels us forward and pushes the boundaries of what we once believed was possible.

Ultimately, at the core of a wellness community, lies the genuine connections we forge and the friendships we nurture. It's about discovering our chosen tribe and fostering those relationships that inspire us and drive us towards attaining a more well-rounded state of being. It's about creating a support system that extends past virtual interactions and into our day-to-day existence. In this communal space, we discover comfort, resilience, and a mutual sense of purpose. Together, we navigate the highs and lows of our wellness journey, secure in the knowledge that we possess a vast network of like-minded individuals who are there to support us every step of the way. Always remember that healing is our inherent right... Embrace it. You are distinct Wellness Warriors of African Descent.
- Sheila Rociel, Founder